Pitch and Roll ©1998

Pages from the artist’s teenage journal scroll slowly across two small LCD monitors which rotate back to back on a stand in the center of the room, revealing her thirteen-year-old quips and quandaries. She “frenches” a boy for the first time and bemoans the fact that the same week her father gave away her backyard swingset. On adjacent gallery walls are projected two large, circular images: the view from a swingset swinging back and forth and the view from the vantage of being kissed. The musical sound of a squeaking swing, the slurping sounds of kissing and the rhythmic sounds of writing heighten the atmosphere of discovery and loss.

Installation Components:
--Video installation with four channels of video and audio.
--Hardware: Two LCD video projectors, Two four-inch LCD video monitors on revolving motor, mounted on five-foot pole, four DVD players and discs, five speakers.
--Dimensions variable.